
The Most Googled First-Time Mom Questions

Written by The Bébé Bru | Oct 4, 2023 1:48:00 PM

There is no manual for becoming a parent. And mamas, we know you have so, so many questions! In fact, studies indicate that brand-new parents Google approximately 2,000 questions during their baby’s first year, which factors out to about six questions per day. Not surprisingly, Google trends show that searches for new baby-related topics on any given day spike between 1-3 a.m. and return to normal levels during waking hours.

So what are the most urgent questions for new mamas? Well as you might imagine, most of them revolve around the big three: sleeping, crying and feeding. All mamas want to know how to help their babies (and themselves) get the best rest, the most effective ways to soothe and calm their baby, and how to ensure she is getting the very best nutrition, no matter what. Here are some of the most Googled questions in each category and what we know about giving your baby the best.

Crying, crying, crying: it can’t be avoided for new babies or new mamas. In fact, it is not unusual for a new baby to cry for 2-3 hours daily during the first month or so after birth. While crying can stress out both mama and baby, especially in the early days, there are things you can do, and it will get better, we promise.

Common questions include:

  • Why won’t my baby stop crying?
  • Why is my baby crying?
  • Why do new babies cry so much?
  • Why is my baby crying at night all of a sudden?
  • How do I figure out why my baby is crying?

What we want you to know, mamas is that it’s normal for babies to cry. And just like when adults cry, it can be for a wide variety of reasons: your baby might be hungry, tired, stressed, cold, and the list goes on. What’s most important is that you respond and attend to baby’s crying as soon as you can. Luckily, crying is truly its own language, and within a short amount of time, you will start to interpret your baby’s cries and understand exactly what they mean. Until then, check the basics (is my baby warm? dry? fed?) and if they’re still crying, just comfort them. That’s what most of us want when we are crying, isn’t it? 

As with any major baby-related topic, people are going to have some strong opinions on this one. Mamas and not-mamas continue to debate the merits of co-sleeping, sleep training, and every last sleep and baby-related controversy out there. So tread carefully when wading into the sea of search engine voices on this one, mamas. Remember, you will know what is right for you.

Common questions include:

  • Why is my baby not sleeping?
  • Why won’t my baby settle?
  • What do I do if my baby won’t fall asleep?
  • When will my baby start sleeping through the night?
  • How do I sleep-train my baby?
  • Is co-sleeping bad for my baby?
  • How long should my baby be sleeping during the day?

The one thing we can agree on is: that we want babies, mamas, daddies and families to sleep as deeply and as soon as possible. Your job is to take care of yourself and your baby and explore what works for you. This can vary wildly from baby to baby and family to family. So go ahead and Google your heart out, experiment, and don’t be afraid to ignore anyone who says you’re doing it wrong.

When it comes to the new mama questions most searched on Google, a whopping 40 percent are feeding-related, which makes perfect sense. Breastfeeding is not always intuitive, and it can be stressful and overwhelming to have to learn this new skill when you care so much about giving your baby the best nutrition and nourishment they need.

Common questions include:

  • Why can’t I breastfeed?
  • Is my baby allergic to milk?
  • How do I get my baby to latch?
  • How do I know if my baby is getting enough milk?
  • Should breastfeeding be painful?
  • When will my milk come in?
  • Can I breastfeed if I am sick?

The great thing about breastfeeding is that it’s a skill you can learn and develop. So go easy on yourself, mama, if it’s a hard one at first. The most important thing to know is that there are many tips, tools, and techniques that you can try, and you don’t have to suffer in order to give your baby the best nutrition out there. Reach out to your doctor or a lactation consultant before you’re at the end of your rope: they can help. And if you want to learn more about how Bebe Bru can make breastfeeding even more stress-free, check out our website here.

While Google may provide some comfort to millions of new parents in the middle of the night, it’s never going to provide the “right” answer for every family or situation. So mamas, keep searching until you find what you need to know, but don’t forget that you are the true authority. You’re doing a good job. Babies are resilient and so are you. Take a breath. You got this.