
Surefire Solutions to Increase Your Milk Supply

Written by The Bébé Bru | Jun 14, 2023 3:00:00 PM

When you’re aiming to give your baby the best nutrition, a low milk supply can be a real concern. Sometimes, complications during pregnancy or certain maternal health conditions (both acute and chronic) can cause real issues with milk production. Your doctor will be able to identify those issues and help you take steps to manage them if you still plan to breastfeed. The good news is that most milk supply challenges are problems you can solve, and we will tell you exactly how. The more you know, the more you flow, mamas.

Pump or feed often
According to OBGYN and first-time mom Dr. Sarah Bjorkman, “empty breasts fill much faster than full breasts.” While it may seem counterintuitive at first, she says, don’t worry about giving your breasts time to fill up between feedings. So don’t skip feedings, and be sure to pump when you need to be away from your baby. If your baby wants to feed, let them feed: they are the best moderator of nature’s perfectly designed supply and demand system. Dr. Bjorkman also recommends a technique called “power pumping,” in which you pump for an hour, doing 20-minute sessions with 10-minute breaks in between. This is a great way to stimulate your supply and get things moving.

Use good breastfeeding technique
If you’ve worked with a lactation specialist, you probably know the drill: try a shower or warm compress to stimulate milk production, enjoy plenty of skin-to-skin cuddle time with your baby, make sure they get a good latch, feed from both breasts, et cetera. If you’re experiencing major issues with latching, pain, or getting your baby to feed, seek help. You can get better at breastfeeding, and you don’t have to do it alone, mama. 

Express all your milk
Again, getting your breasts empty is essential to tell your body that more milk is necessary. If your baby isn’t finishing their meal, pumping or using hand expression can help you finish the job.

Take good care of mama
Basic self-care is critical to keeping your body healthy so that it can do what it needs to do. This means eating well (and enough), resting as much as you can, staying hydrated, wearing comfortable clothes, and anything else that fills your cup, metaphorically speaking, so that you can fill your baby’s to the brim. We know it can sometimes seem impossible to find time for yourself when you have a brand new little one but trust us: any little bit will go a long way.

Yes, milk supply matters and these solutions can help if you have concerns about your own. But experts also have some important advice: don’t worry. Your baby knows what it needs⸺just follow their lead.

Did you know that Bébé Bru can freeze dry your pumped breast milk for later use so that you can nourish your baby with the best anytime, anywhere? Learn more here, mamas.